Welcome to The Bush!

Hello. I greet you today in the name of God our Savior, Healer, and our Deliverer. With God's help and within the ark of his presence, we have spent a few years building a new legacy together. A legacy that most certainly stands on the shoulders of that which came before, and we will carry it further with love being the motive and value in which we move to 'Save more Souls'.
I simply want to say 'Thank You' Burning Bush, for all we have shared, learned, and accomplished together over the years.To those that helped the church grow; as a body of believers, engaged in kingdom building, for every prayer, lesson taught, kind word, deed or expression of love you shared,Thank You. As the JESUS in me was touched, loved, blessed or otherwise edified and encouraged by the JESUS in You, (and vice versa), Thank You! Being your Pastor has been more wonderful than words can say, so I will simply say, Thank You.

Now, let's Expect Greater together by:

  • Bringing Your Bible: I encourage you to start bringing your own personal copy of the Scripture as we study each week in our corporate worship time. I hope you will get in the practice of looking into God's Word with me each week.
  • Attending Leadership Meetings 3rd Saturday of each month
  • Doing as the Lord ask of us in Malachi 3:10 "Bring ye all the tithes to the storehouse", every leader should be a tither.
  • Asking God How He Wants you to Serve Him:  When the time is right, there will be many ways for you to serve here at the Bush and in our community for Christ. I will do everything I can to help you find that right place of service.  You are welcome to participate wherever God directs you to serve.  If you have questions about that or need assistance, again, I am here to help.
  • Inviting others to Join Us: It is my prayer that your walk with God becomes so intense that you want all that you meet to experience all of His Goodness, we can all start at home. We will all welcome them to grow with us together in Kingdom building. 


I thank you in advance for all we are going to do together! Let's grow and build 'The Family Experience'.

Pastor Johnny Brown Jr.